Welcome To My Math Class


Dear Students,

Hello and welcome back to school!  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you, I am Mrs. Garcia and I feel so fortunate to be your teacher this year!  I am looking forward to an exceptionally exciting and productive academic year.

In the 6th grade, students are taught all operations with rational numbers, one-step equations, proportional reasoning, Geometry formulas for area, and volume, basic statistics, and personal finance literacy. We will use those skills in a variety of word problems, linking math to real-world situations.

What you will be learning this year in Mathematics:

Year at Glance

We use technology every day in this class.

The sixth-grade math curriculum reinforces basic mathematical concepts and introduces new skills that are essential for all students to be successful. Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary are introduced and continually reinforced in class and through assignments.

Math 6th Year at Glance

 Math 6th Year at Glance (with TEKS)

Unit 1 – Equivalent Forms of Fractions, Decimals, Percent   >>

  • Classify whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers
  • Generating equivalent forms of rational numbers
  • Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents
  • Percent problems

Unit 2 – Ordering Fractions, Decimals, and Integers  >>

  • Locate/Compare/Order Integers
  • Locate/Compare/Order Decimals
  • Locate/Compare/Order Rational Numbers

Unit 3 – Operations with Positive Fractions and Decimals  >>

  • Multiply/Divide Decimals
  • Multiplying Fractions & Mixed Numbers
  • Dividing Fractions & Mixed Numbers

Unit 4 – Operations with Integers  >>

  • Modeling All Operations with Integers and Connect to Algorithm
  • Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Integers

 Unit 5- Proportional Reasoning  >>

  • Ratios
  • Model Ratios and percents
  • Equivalent Ratios and Rates
  • Proportions
  • Equivalent forms of Fraction, Decimal, Percent
  • Customary/ Metric Conversions in same system
  • Predictions in Proportional Situations
  • Table/Graphs/Symbols to Represent Proportional Relationships
  • Understand percents as proportional relationships
  • Percent Applications using proportions
  • Scale Factor

 Unit 6 – Equivalent Expressions and One-Variable Equations  >>

  • Order of Operations with exponents
  • Prime Factorization
  • Write, Model, Solve, & Graph 1-Step Equations & Inequalities
  • Independent & Dependent Quantities
  • Expressions and Properties (Inverse, Identity, Associative, Commutative, Distributive)

 Unit 7 – One Variable Inequalities  >>

  • Compare positive and negative numbers with inequalities symbols
  • Graph inequalities on the number line.
  • Solving One Variable Inequalities

Unit 8 – Algebraic Representations of Two-Variable Relationships  >>

  • Expressions and Equations
  • Algebraic Relationships – Given Equation
  • Algebraic Relationships – Given Graph
  • Algebraic Relationships – Given Verbal Equation

Unit 9 – Geometry and Measurement  >>

  • Angle Relationship in Triangles
  • Area – rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles (Model, write equations, solve)
  • Volume – right rectangular prisms (Model, write equations, solve)
  • Coordinate Plane

Unit 10 – Data Analysis  >>

  • Represent numeric data graphically – Dot plots, stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, & box plots
  • Center, spread, and shape of data
  • Summarize and describe numeric and categorical data

Unit 11 – Personal Financial Literacy  >>

  • Financial Goals/History
  • Deposits/Withdrawals/Transfers
  • Checking/Savings
  • Debit cards vs Credit cards
  • Credit Reports/History/Impact on Future Goals
  • Paying for college
  • Annual salary of occupations and impact on lifetime income

Unit 12 – STAAR Review

  • STAAR Review Activities

Students will increase their understanding of the course material by participating in mini-drills, quizzes, tests, math games, group and individual projects, independent problem solving, and oral presentations.

Ms. Garcia


6th Grade Mathematics – Vocabulary

6th Grade Math TEKS Online Flashcards

6th Grade STAAR Standards Snapshot 

6th Grade Unpacked Math TEKS

TEA website Student Success Initiative

Curriculum Aligned Resources for Educational Support  CARES

6th Grade Mathematics

7th Grade Mathematics

8th Grade Mathematics


Why should you be learning all of this material? :
1. This material is important because you will be applying it to real life.
2. We will be using examples of real things that you may or may not have already done in your life.
How will you be learning this material? :
1. Through fun lessons that keep you involved.
2. You will have notes to take, but you will also be doing projects, to help you and your fellow students.
3. Daily homework assignments will also be given in order for you to practice those days material and so that you may reflect on what you learned.
4. Some of the projects will be done in groups, as well as some of the in-class activities. I want you to be able to figure some things out for yourselves using prior knowledge and knowledge that you have gained in this class.
Optional supplies that you will need for the year:
1.  Two pencils and one red ink pen.
2.  Two-Grid Notebooks for notes and homework.
3.  Two  2 Pocket with Prongs Paper Portfolio for your homework, and other class papers.
4.  Your Mathematics books.
5.  Two dry-erase markers
Grading policy
Grading policy is subject to requirements quoted in the LISD handbooks.

Grading is not about a number; but instead, is an assessment of what the student learned about the curriculum being taught.

Formative Assessments:      50%

The average of all Formative Assessments will be counted as 50% of your six -weeks grade.

  • Formal Assessments: (CBAs, STAAR)
  • Informal Assessments: (Weekly Exams, Pre-Tests, Ongoing Assessments, Cumulative Tests).     

 Tests will fall every Friday.

Summative Assessments: 50%

  • Daily Work: (Participation, Quizzes, Classwork, Warm-Ups, Exit Slips, Drills, Problem of the Day, and other small assignments)
  • Homework

The average of all daily work [Summative Assessments] (Drills/DCR, homework, and assignments) will be counted as 50% of your six- weeks grade.

Make Up/ Late Work will have a 50% of the value of the assignment (unless a legitimate illness).    

Missing Assignments are automatically assessed at a score of 0

Quizzes may be administered at any time and may or may not be announced.
All tests and quizzes must be corrected and placed in your binder by the following Monday. Corrected Math binders will be checked at this time as well.
Homework assignments are posted on Ms. Garcia’s blog and will be turned in at the beginning of the next class.
Your six – weeks Math binder has a weight of a test grade each time that it is checked. It will be checked at the end of every six weeks.
A maximum of 100 pts. may be gained on each daily assignment with regard to percent correct and complete.
A maximum of 100 pts. may be gained on each test assignment.
Any assignment not received at collection but still on that same day will be reduced by 10 points.
Any assignment received the following day will be reduced by 50 points.
All work will be completed satisfactorily at my discretion.
My grading policy is subject to change according to the policy of the School District.
Grading Scale:
A 90-100 Excellent
B 80-89 Very good
C 70-79 Satisfactory
D 60-69 Inconsistent
E 0-59 Unsatisfactory
Attendance Policy:
Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his/her education-to benefit from teacher-led activities, to build each day’s learning on the previous days, and to grow as an individual.
Attendance is important. You’re in class every day to learn, keep up with class assignments, pass your classes, and prepare for state-mandated tests.
A student is required to attend all class meetings. If a class is missed the student is held responsible for the full requirements of the class.
 Please be aware of two very important rules:
* A student absent from school for any reason, upon returning school, must bring a note signed by the parent that describes the reason for the absence. An absence slip will be required to return to class.
* The student has to make up work missed due to any absence within two school days.

* The student should be prepared to turn-in the homework and other assignment(s) upon returning to school



good tings

Bathroom Policy:

If you have to go to the bathroom, you must raise your hand and ask to do so. You must sign the Sign In/Sign Out notebook and get a pass before you leave the room (one boy and one girl at a time). You will not be allowed to leave the room during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of a period. You will not be allowed to leave during the 1st and 6th periods.

Code of Conduct:
1. Be Responsible
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Ready to Learn
4. Be Honest

​Students will ask for help when needed, do their own work, and always tell the truth.

Math 6th Required Fluencies:

•  Multi‐digit multiplication and division

•  Multi‐digit decimal operations


——– Make your education a top priority.———-


I firmly believe that most people can be successful in school and that the amount of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice is what separates those who are successful from those who are not.

      If you are absent, you want to get the assignments and notes as fast as you can. If you can, call your classmates and ask them for the assignments. If you can’t call anyone, you should ask your  classmates for the work in the morning on the day that you get back.
This site is NOT meant to be a replacement for lessons taught or activities done in class. 

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell


Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to my Math Blog where you will find some of the different activities we do in class daily.
This year many students of Memorial Middle School are taking their Math lessons with me. This is an exciting experience for all of us and we hope to learn and have fun at the same time.
It is my ultimate goal to help students understand and like the Math subject.
I hope this site helps you understand what we do in class every day. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions or to suggest changes to my blog.
See you around,
Ms. Garcia 

Do you need help with a topic that is not on this site?
Would you like this site to provide a link that has been helpful to you?
Is there a link that does not work properly?
Do you have other questions/concerns?
If so, please e-mail me at mggarcia042@laredoisd.org


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