Math assignments

For the next weeks, school officials have asked that all students complete the following problems: “Distance Learning 6th Grade Activities”. This will count as your math schooling and I will check for your participation in completing the lessons weekly.



Math 6th Assignment Apr13-17, 2020 (download, solve and report)

Math 6th Assignment Apr6-10, 2020  (download, solve and report)

Math 6th Assignment March30-Apr3 (download, solve and report)

This homework is designed to provide our students with review and practice for math success. It provides 30 problems so you can flex your muscles with a variety of mathematical concepts.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or by phone, if you have any questions about how to solve any of these problems or any other topic.

Monday: Practice l and Practice 2
Tuesday: Practice 3 and Practice 4
Wednesday: Practice 5 and Practice 6
Thursday: Practice 7 and Practice 8
Friday: Practice 9 and Practice 10

Problem Solving Strategies

  1. Read the problem
  2. Imagine the situation
  3. Get the main idea of the problem
  4. Emphasize that keywords
  5. See what’s given and what’s needed
  6. Show your work; do all the steps use pictures or drawings to support your answer
  7. Check if your answer is reasonable, if it makes sense

K-W-L-H stands for What you KNOW, what you WANT to know, what you LEARNED, and HOW you can learn more.

Knowdlege Reflection Chart (Help)

KWLH Learning Progress Form  (Help)


Answer Sheets

Benchmark Review 1 

Benchmark Review 2

Benchmark Review 3

Benchmark Review 4

Benchmark Review 5

Benchmark Review 6

Benchmark Review 7

Benchmark Review 8

Input your answer and then click “Submit“.




6th-grade math standards


“Practice makes perfect!”

The expert in MATH was once a BEGINNER.

The more you practice answering math’s problems, the better.

Listed here are several real math STAAR tests from previous years if you would like more practice.








Try these challenging math problems to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Grade STAAR Test Forms Answer Keys Item Rationales
6 2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017
7 2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017
8 2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017
2016 | 2014 | 2013
2019 |  2018 | 2017

STAAR Resources: