Some questions on the first day of school

On the first day of school, students are ONLY interested in knowing the answers to these questions:

Who is my teacher?


I teach because I want to make a difference.  I am a teacher who is committed to helping students to succeed in school while nurturing their unconditional self-acceptance, and emotional wellbeing. I believe in teaching with compassion, dedication, and enthusiasm. My mission is to create a caring, and empathetic group of students, that develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime, and I hope that within each one of them, I can ignite a fire that will inspire them to believe, grow, and seek knowledge to figure out what moves them to make a difference in the world.


What are the rules in the classroom?


Be on time every day

Any student who was absent must attend tutorials the following day in order to receive instruction, so as not to fall behind in his/her missing assignments.

Be on Task

Listen and follow directions. Be prompt, attentive, and participate in class. Try to do your best at all times!

Be responsible

Any student who does not complete the homework will be required to stay for the day the homework was due to complete missing homework to provide content reinforcement needed.

Be safe

Any running or other safety violation will result in after school detention. Time to be determined by the teacher.

Be Courteous

Follow the Golden Rule; treat others as you wish to be treated.

Do not use inflammatory or offensive language, sarcasm, or raised voices.

Be responsible for your own learning.

Come to class prepared in every way to learn and participate. Work quietly.

Always do your best.

Have pride on all you do, and Never give up!

Turn off and put away any personal electronic device.

The learning process requires a distraction-free learning environment.


Be Positive, Productive, Polite, Prepared, and ResPectful  (the 5 Ps).


Why is this class important to me?

Math is incredibly important in our lives. Math is used in everyday life. mathematics gives us the critical ability to learn and think logically. Math skills are important for all kinds of jobs, from retail cashier to stockbroker. For many jobs, using math is a daily part of the work.

Students will become adults who will use math in their jobs. All kinds of careers use math; for example electronics, civil and structural engineering,  accountants, doctors, bankers, meteorologists, game designers, robotics designers, and even mothers use math.

What are we learning in this class?

The major math strands for seventh-grade curriculum are number sense and operations, arithmetic with negative numbers, algebra basics, proportions, geometry and spatial sense, measurement, and data analysis and probability.

Number sense topics include exponents and scientific notation; prime numbers; factoring; combining like terms; substituting values for variables; simplification of algebraic expressions; and calculating rate, distance, time, and mass.

Students will learn to evaluate expressions, generate equivalent expressions, and efficiently solve equations and inequalities. Also, they will apply the properties of operations to work efficiently with expressions and equations.

Students will investigate proportional relationships and use this understanding to solve real-world problems involving discounts, interest, taxes, and scale drawings.

Geometric topics include the classification of angles and triangles; finding the unknown measurement of a triangle’s side, and determining the slope of a line. Students will study two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures and will learn how to find perimeter, area, angle measures, and volume and surface area of solids.

Students will also learn to use a variety of graphs to represent data and to interpret those graphs, and they will learn to compute odds. Students will be introduced to mean, median, and mode.

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