Similar Figures

Similar figures. Figures with same shape. They are not necessarily the same size.

Two polygons are similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the measures of their corresponding sides are in proportion  (scale factor).

“~” is the sign for “is similar to”.

Polygons can still be similar even if one of them is rotated, example:


Essential Question:
If a polygon is enlarged or reduced, which parts changes and which parts remains the same?


  • Similar
  • Congruent
  • Enlarged
  • Reduced
  • Scale factor



Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. The length of the sides of EFG are 3, 4, and 5. The length of the smallest side of QRS is 7.5, what is the length of the longest side of QRS?

(All units in the examples are in centimeters)


Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. The length of the sides of EFG are 3, 4, and 5. The length of the smallest side of QRS is 7.5, what is the scale factor?

Two triangles are similar if one of them is larger than the other by a Scale Factor.


Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. The length of the sides of EFG are 3, 4, and 5. The length of the smallest side of QRS is 7.5, what is the perimeter of QRS?

Perimeter of triangle EFG = 3+4+5 = 12

A scale factor is simply a number that multiplies the dimensions of a shape.

Perimeter of triangle QRS = 2.5 (3+4+5) = (7.5 + 10 + 12.5) = 30

Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. Find the corresponding sides







Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. Create a proportion matching the corresponding sides.





Trapezoid ABCD is similar to Trapezoid MNOP. Determine the value of x.




The two figures are similar. Find the missing values


Similar trapezoids are shown. What is the value of X?

Similar Triangles 1

Similar Triangles 2

Similar Triangles 3

Find the Missing Side of Similar Triangles 1

Similar Shapes

Similar Rectangles

Scale Factor and Area


SF01       Scale_Drawing

SF02       Scale_Factor

SF03 Similar Figures (Indirect Measurement)

SF05       Similar Figures_Missing Side

SF06       Scale_Perimeter

SF10       Similar_Rectangles_1

SF11       Similar_Rectangles_2

SF12       Similar_Rectangles_3

SF13       Similar_Triangles 1

SF14       Similar Triangles 2

SF15       Similar_Cylinders


Congruent shapes have all corresponding sides and corresponding angles exactly equal (symbol: ≅)

Similar shapes have the same shape, but not necessarily  the same  size [corresponding  angles are exactly equal] (symbol: ≈   or  ~ )